Love the way you make sure to add the 1-5 thought process, including the theory predicating the trade idea on #5. It’s easy to get lost in the noise of the market and forget to step back and make sure the idea is based on more than blindly trading a level
Set you are doing great things. Educating community that’s awesome thing
001-010 pure gold. use it as homework and you will be well fed.
Set, do you have any recommendations for starter reading on auction theory to help develop a base understanding of the concepts you discuss?
steidlmayer. he has a couple books on it that i started with
Love the way you make sure to add the 1-5 thought process, including the theory predicating the trade idea on #5. It’s easy to get lost in the noise of the market and forget to step back and make sure the idea is based on more than blindly trading a level
Great work Adam
Orderflow 🏆
New to stack but been follower since couple of years. This year you have shown how it is done with perfection
Good stuff brother
This has been a real treat.. Thank you very much Captain
Just to be clear, X is dead for now, but this Substack is still live?
substack been live for weeks. we been eatin over here
Steaks everyday :-)