Markets don’t reach its Target in a straight line. You must have a strong understanding of Auctions to navigate a Multi-Timeframe approach. In return, You may be graced with opportunities to join and rejoin a directional sequence… If correct.
The reality is, I expected 16510 + 16450 to bid.
Last week I returned to the Market with expectations of identifying a Buyer.
[Weekly] : I returned to share a TF Bid Auction developing
16450 + 16520 : Bids to Minor Pivot 17060 : +600p upside
16660 : Trend Continuation : Bids to 16830 / 16980 : +300p upside
16980 & 16830 : Two Way : +/-150p auction
xx. Is 17110 still on the table?
yy. Else Much lower than 16450 will be.