17440 : +1000p Bottom Conquest
18950 : +500p Bear Set Meltdown
18240 : +400p Bear Satisfied Reversal
18950 : +500p* Patient Upside Break
This has been my work navigating this Trending Sequence. Let’s get into the weeds of what took place above 18950 and what I expect next.
I will resume Temporary Bull Bias as we are now trading above 18950. This will have expectations of reaching 19205 - 19255 before reassessment.
I shared the insight that above 18950 I had targets off 19205 + 19255. After confidently breaking above, the market balanced for three sessions and realized my targets before headlines (06/12) today. +300p // Runners + Adds for Cruise Control Long.
06/03 : RTH : Patient Break : Initiation Above : 18950
06/05 : RTH : Pivot : 18950
Buyers took the Pivot and I opted to continue to buy highs / higher dips.
06/03 : Shared Plan to Buy Highs if above Pivot
06/05 : Entered Long for our Plan of Patient Break
06/10 : Added at Open/IB for Bullish Above
06/11 : Reiterated Long Bias early on the Session : Breakout ++
This, is initiative activity. I shared This, well in advance + real-time.
This is a Close-Up of my most recent Sequence : The Patient Break : 18950 : [15M]